Sunday, 22 April 2018

Mirriam's Letter Samacheer Kalvi All Book Back Questions And Answers

Miriam's Letter


1. Which part of the day is the story set?

        The story is set in the early dawn of the day when stars still glowed.

2. Why were streets deserted?

        The streets were deserted because the people were still asleep.

3. What was coach man Ali's favourite sport?

        Hunting was coachman Ali's favorite sport.

4. How good was he at hunting?

        He could see the earth - brown partridge almost invisible to other eyes. His sharp eyes saw the hare crouching even when the dogs failed to see. Ali's eyes would watch the sight of his ears and in another moment it was dead.

5. What made coach man Ali realize the pangs of separation?

        His only daughter Miriam was married to a soldier. She went with her husband to his regiment to the punjab. For last five years he had no news of his daughter. This made coach man Ali realize the pangs of separation.


6. Why did he give up hunting?

        He thought about the young partridges bereft of their parents. So he gave up hunting.

7. Why did coach man Ali cry bitterly?

        Ali realized that the whole universe is built of love. He realized the grief of separation of his daughter. So coach man Ali sat down under a tree and cried bitterly.

8. Why did the men at post office mock at Ali?

        Expecting letter from his daughter, Ali had been to the post office for the last five years. But he did not receive any letter. Seeing his anxiety every morning, the men at the post office mocked at Ali.

9. Why did the post master call Ali a pest?

        The post master was in a hurry. At that time Ali asked him if there were any letter for him. Hence the post master called Ali a pest.

10. Why did coach man Ali find no use for money?

        Ali understood that this last days were approaching. After his death his money were of no use. So Ali found that money were of no use.


11. Can money alone get what we need in life?

        No, money cannot get what we need in our life.

12. What made the postmaster understand the feelings of Ali?

        The post master's daughter fell ill in another town. He was anxiously waiting for news of her. This made the post master understand the feelings of Ali.

13. Comment on the behaviour of Lakshmi Das?

        Lakshmi Das received the money handed over by Ali. He asked Ali where to send the letter of Miriam. Ali replied that he should send it to his grave. The clerk Lakshmi Das had no other way other than receiving the money.

14. What caused the change of attitude of the postmaster towards Ali?

        When the postmaster was expecting letter from his sick daughter, he realized the feelings of Ali. This caused the change of attitude of the postmaster.

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